What I Loved in 2017

Saturday, January 06, 2018

Before this 1st week of January ends, it would be nice to look back on things,specifically my top 5, I have come to love and appreciate in the past year.Happy 2018 btw.

One, I love spending more time with the fam. Decided to really make a schedule and prioritize it. Our little zachy (nephew) really became one of the glue for this family. He brings headache sometimes joy to us. And that brought great memories to remember more than what we captured on our selfies camera.

Two, Nature. I'm such a fan of the great indoors honestly. But 2017 brought me to some pretty awesome places and doin some outdoors-y stuffs + meet new pepople & refresh some long time friendships.Guess it translated to my Jan 2017 resolutions to try out new things. Just a few for this year and hoping I could do more.

Three, Colourpop. I know. So late in the game. But finally gave in and tried it. Aahh I regret for not buying these the first time they came out. My ghad I just love Colourpop's formula. Their mattes arent so drying inlike that of the Macs I used to wear. They are just so feel light and definitely pigmented as repeated by thousands of beauty bloggers. Just so in love. Brb buying more Lippies Stix and Ultra mattes. Oh wait this blog post I have to finish lols.

Four, My hair. Sorry not sorry but 2017 got me shookt when I found out short pixy cut suits me! May or may not go back to long hair anymore hahaha!
Shameless selfie here we go 💖

Five, lastly the Waxified's ROI done. Return of Investment in Business is usually takes quite some time. But am just in awe how that happened for me so quickly! It was a blessed year for this business and we're beyond thankful for that ✨

*Special Mentions,Wicked play & Books.
Finally one of my bucket list is to watch Wicked and just overjoyed from story line to production. So worth the watch!
Starting 2017 I decided to make a list of books to read and practice also what I've learned. Have to say I was just able to finish more than half of that list. However each book thought me differently yet all important life skills. Which I'm pretty excited to keep workin on this year.

With these, 2017 thought me to be a lil braver than before to say yes (not all the time tho coz I learned also that its best to say no and just focus on whats important) and be open to all kinds of possibilities. And one thing to take note to make this new year 2018 better, its up to me not to resolutions but with my choices and habits I keep.
Ugh this sounds like an adult I know but it makes all the difference if we want this year to be our year.

Happy 2018 and goodluck adulting ✔

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