Monday, November 14, 2016After consistently procrastinating on my first blog post, finally decided to just do it.
Why am I even postponing this? And what am I even waiting for really before hitting that Publish button?
I realized that there's no right or perfect timing for this. Just have to get over with that ideology we all have really. Do it without reasons or signs of a rainbow outside your window that's inspiring. You have to simply start and face the reality that you might not feel like doing it today or tomorrow but it's not enough reason to stop you from doing what you really want.
Creating a blog isn't to make myself one of those bloggers who do so because well basically that's what everyone's doing or a way to be internet famous. Nah. Nor another "oh it's just a way for me to express myself or just a creative outlet you know" kinda thing. Started this to know ,regroup and refocus on myself. I know that sounds vain. I want to dig within me and discover possible gems I hope I would discover. Taking time to navigate through my likes, thoughts, passion and some shenanigans in between. Either way let this blogging thang begin.
Let's start and here we go!

What do you think?